Abnormal behavior is described as failing to follow the rules or standards of society or the norms of the school. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary six editions, deviant behavior is defined as behavior that differs from what is expected of others, and according to Chambers Dictionary in the twentieth century, deviant behavior is defined as behavior that differs from what is expected of others (Agi, 2016). Deviant behavior is defined as deviating from the norms of a certain group of individuals in a culture or community (Aitchison, 2012). That is, deviating from the specified standards of a governmental system or a social principle; such behavior may be classified as crime, intoxication, indiscipline in school, house prostitution, cultism, gambling, or other. It has been found that a significant proportion of students at higher education institutions engage in deviant behavior. They become deviant when they engage in activities that are not within the authority of the school system or society (Agi, 2016). Today's Nigerian society is changing, necessitating the development of an education system that would enable the youth to grasp the culture and cultural legacy. This will aid in the preservation of society and culture, as well as in preparing citizens for changes in attitude, knowledge, skills, manpower, and experience in society. Youth education is critical for ensuring residents' faith in the country's social and economic progress, as well as raising the overall standard of life (Aitchison, 2012).
The Nigerian education system must instill in our pupils a sense of patriotism and the importance of national and international understanding and collaboration. Through education service, those manifestations of deviant behavior in schools can be eradicated, of which a lot of bad behavior are such as smoking, drunkenness, stealing, abortion, murder, gambling, prostitution, and so on, the eradication of which can be done by attempting to restructure the in term and organization of the school, peer group, religious institutions, and all other primary organizations in society. The family, as a socialization agent, may have a considerable influence on the kid (Berdibayeva, Garber, Ivanov, Satybaldina & Yelubayeva, 2016). This is clear from the fact that it is the first place where the kid learns about leadership and what it entails; here, the parents teach the child the fundamental skills and behavior patterns that he or she must exhibit at home. The school, as a socialization agent and training institution for our future learners and personnel needed in our society, is also confronted with an acute dilemma that affects society as a whole (Agi, 2016). This is an issue of deviant behavior, which is a type of indiscipline. The problem of deviant society manifests itself in the Nigerian society and most of our school products, such as a lack of total commitment and dedication to their work, tardiness to work, absenteeism, neglect of duty, and parents who feel less concerned about their children by going late when the children are already asleep, all of which slow down progress and limit our effectiveness and efficiency. The school disguised as an organization should be able to provide genuine services aimed at improving the government and society, such as the capacity to educate values, punctuality, regularity, honesty, commitment to work, and loyalty to work (Chamberline, 2015). This means that schools should be able to produce disciplined students who will go on to become good citizens free of any deviant act or behavior, such as drug addiction, gambling, truancy in school, abortion, smoking, sexual immorality, failure to serve punishment, murder, prostitution, bribery and corruption, and so on. Deviant behavior is an act of indiscipline or a behavioral problem that has acted as a key cause of several social vices in Nigeria culture, which is of considerable concern to parents, the government, and schools. The source of these social vices is an increased prevalence of school dropout, drug misuse among youngsters, gambling, thieving, pick pocketing, and they also represent a societal nuisance (Davidsen, 2012). There is an old proverb that says the devil's workshop is an idle mind. This means that because deviant behavior has caused students to engage in bad habits, they move around not staying in school to learn and they move around the streets and alleys without a sense of direction, they are likely to meet with bad friends who are corrupt and learn all forms of bad act from there they are likely to be tempted to engage in deviant behavior' such as stealing, drunkenness, abortion, absenteeism from school, and others (Chamberline, 2015).
The study is concerned with the investigation of the causes of aberrant behavior among certain selected secondary students and how it impacts the child's academic performance in some selected schools in Delta State's Ethiope East Local Government Area.
The impact of student history on aberrant behavior in schools, as well as the potential impact of the school environment (teachers, parents, society, peer group ups behavior) on fostering aberrant behavior among students. To arrest or mitigate the heinous scenario, answers to the following questions would be needed.
i. Could the influence of aberrant behavior add to the child's performance?
ii. To what degree has the child's aberrant behavior contributed to his or her academic performance?
iii. Could aberrant behavior be a result of a parent's incapacity to satisfy a student's educational needs?
iv. Can aberrant behavior induce pupils to drop out of school?
This study is concern to sets out and achieves the following.
i) To investigate whether parents in some ways, either knowing or unknowingly contribute to the deviant behaviour of students in secondary school.
ii) To determine whether the nature of the school administration has influence whether the socio-economic factors in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State have any influence on deviant behaviour among secondary school students.
This study will reveal that the incidence of deviant behaviour among some selected students in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State is high. The suggestion to be made in this study will go a long way to minimize the problem. Basically, this study is necessary and it is important to the development of children, mostly in this our present complex society. To provide an insight to child needs and how best these could be met.
The following hypotheses will be tested
H0: There is no significant relationship between autocratic parenting style and delinquent behaviour among secondary school students
H1: There is a significant relationship between autocratic parenting style and delinquent behaviour among secondary school students
H0: There is no significant relationship between democratic parenting styles and delinquent behaviour among secondary school students.
H2: There is a significant relationship between democratic parenting styles and delinquent behaviour among secondary school students.
The scope of the study covers a study of deviant behavior among secondary school students.The researcher encounters some constrain which limited the scope of the study;
a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The research material available to the researcher is insufficient, thereby limiting the study
b) TIME: The time frame allocated to the study does not enhance wider coverage as the researcher has to combine other academic activities and examinations with the study.
c) Organizational privacy: Limited Access to the selected auditing firm makes it difficult to get all the necessary and required information concerning the activities.
Peer Group: People who are similar in development level such as age, education and other qualifications.
School Administration: It is a formalized system which, plan, coordinate, organize, staff, reporting and evaluating of all matters of the entire school affairs.
Heritage: A valued thing or culture that is been passed down from previous generations.
Nuisance: An annoying person
Organization: An organized group with a particular purpose e.g. school
The project will be organized around following chapters;
Chapter one gives an introduction to the research work. It gives the basic information about the company and the research being undertaken. This chapter therefore consists of the background of the study and organizational profile, statement of the problem, objectives, research questions, significance of the study, scope of the study, and limitations encountered by the researcher.
Chapter Two consists of the literature review and the theoretical framework
Chapter three gives details of the research methodology. The research methodology represents the various ways and methods which the researcher used in order to gain his information.
Chapter Four gives the analysis and interpretation of the information gathered by the researcher.
Chapter five gives the findings and conclusion of the researcher. Here, conclusions will be drawn based on the findings and their implications will also be given.
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